Simonini Mini 2 Plus – Prop


E-PROPS PLUG’n’FLY propeller 2-blades for paramotor / paratrike (PPG)
Model for engine : Simonini Mini2 reducer 2.42/2.62

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E-PROPS PLUG’n’FLY propeller 2-blades for paramotor / paratrike (PPG)
Model for engine : Simonini Mini2 reducer 2.42/2.62

Configuration : pusher
Drilling pattern : 6 M8 d75mm (6 screws dia 8 mm on a circle 75 mm diameter)
Central hole : 25mm
Rotation sense : Left (counterclockwise) in the wind made by the propeller
Total weight of the prop = 500 gr (1.1 lb)


100% in full carbon braid : Helical Continuous Fibers
Reinforced leading edge protection in Nanostrength additive, with high energy absorbing capability
Fixed pitch, easy to assemble
Propeller delivered ready to be mounted, with manual, without screws

More technical data, click here => PLUG’N’FLY

Many pilots are using the PLUG’n’FLY, because they are the best propellers : the lightest, the strongest and the best-performing. The great PPG World’s Champion Alex MATEOS is flying with E-PROPS since 2009. E-PROPS, the best choice !